Eliza is a singer in New Meridian |
This is an overview of Skullgirls Eliza DLC that came out recently. Just going to say it, there will be spoilers in this overview of the character, so be warned; and spoilers will also be image wise as well, but not only that, this will be very image heavy.
This will be divided into three parts:
-Eliza the character
-Eliza in her storyline in Skullgirls
-Eliza's play style and my opinions personally about her play style
Eliza the Character
As character designs go, Eliza is Egyptian themed, who has a striking semblance to Elizabeth Taylor in the classic movie Cleopatra. She is a lovely woman whose image not only shows sensuality but flare and striking beauty.
Eliza is a singer at the Canopy Kingdom. While there are other singers
at the club, it's Eliza who is much more known than anyone else. Eliza does a lot of donations for the people, most commonly blood drives. She's a really nice chick, right? But I digress, she is a rather selfish and self important person, and gets chauffeured around and waiting on hand and foot by her two servants (I'm not really sure about what to call them); Albus and Horace.
Albus and Horace still keep in theme with Eliza and the Egypt theme. And I really do find them funny, in an extremely comical way... In how buff these two guys are and then their silly heads. I mean just look at Albus, it looks as if he's wearing a fake wig and then Horace, look at his little cheep-cheep beak with that body.
I will say though, these two guys serve as a great add to Eliza's character not only in the story but also in the way that she plays. Even though I think they may look a bit silly, don't get me wrong. I really love these two, especially Horace... Because I like birds. (cheep-cheep).
Eliza's Story
Going back to the whole thing about Eliza and her charity funding, specifically the blood drives. Well the Medici family head Lorenzo wants Eliza to go find the Skullheart. Eliza of course doesn't want to do it for them, but the ace up their sleeve is that they'll expose her secret; the fact that she has been stealing from her own charity drives. Yes, stealing blood.
Of course in the interest of the Medici's Vitale, Lorenzo's son, decides to send out Cerebella with Eliza and her gang. The three do not get along all that well, Cerebella does not trust any of the three and is extremely vocal about it, much to both Horace and Albus' anger. The first group they do notice though is the recently revived Squigly and Leviathan. Eliza is more interested in Leviathan since she has known him in the past.
Eliza exposes her true self as a Theon (the proper name for the parasites in Skullgirls) and asks if he would join up with her. The offer was quickly denied and it seemed as if there was bad blood between the two of them.
Eventually Eliza gets sidetracked because she smells something delicious (blood delicious) and it ends up being Ms. Fortune and the life gem inside her. Defeating the cat, she literally has Albus load her into the trunk of the car. No joke, even then Ms. Fortune is still cracking jokes about her situation.
Though we all knew that Eliza wouldn't keep her word about finding the Skullheart for the Medici's and instead goes back to her place to just do her thing. In fact the entire drive to her place she was warning Cerebella that her trust in the Medici family will be her downfall, as no one is supposed to know about the life gem and that she may be killed. But Cerebella is an optimist when it comes to the Medici's and especially Vitale.
I do feel bad though, since this blind trust that Cerebella has ends up being her downfall. She does try to confront Eliza, even challenging her to a fight, which of course ended up not going in her favor. In fact, the whole death scene of Cerebella did make me feel a bit sad, not exactly because she died, but more the fact that it was entirely avoidable.
We do see that Eliza does keep around people, Horace and Albus are still alive. And I don't think she would have killed Cerebella if she had left the Medici family and joined her faction instead.
Eventually the blood gang does end up getting to the cathedral and we meet up with Samson and Fillia, and it does get very heated with the two. And I don't know if it's love or hate with Eliza and Samson (and I mean this from Eliza's point of view). It seems a long time ago that she had killed Samson's human host, her name was Delilah. Which made Samson very mad, but not only that. It seems that Eliza (or rather the Theon Sekhmet) is responsible for the hatred of parasites and their current dislike from humans.
Fighting Marie was rather bland with all the story that had came up before but, it was everything after that was amazing. As when she was about to claim the Skullheart for her own something happened.
Yeah, I really wasn't expecting Double to do that, nor was I expecting the story to include Double in such a way (just because I don't like playing characters like her, so I really didn't pay attention to her story). And we know got that basis on why Samson said that she screwed things over big time.
Eventually Eliza gets lots of power from the site that her and Double fight in, destroys the Skullheart and then heads back to her place for some well do rest and relaxation.Which eventually turns into Samson and Leviathan attacking her in her own place to end Eliza now and bring the world to peace.
I will admit though, I wasn't expecting the story to follow up on this and indulge on it more. And we all know how this fight is going to end, since this is Eliza's storyline. But as I love Squigly and Fillia the end made me sad, their fates are quite a bit depressing.
The story ends with Eliza turning into what looks like a giant Egyptian blood god and starts terrorizing the town; of course starting off with the Medici's because why not torment the people who tried to blackmail you into doing their dirty work. The last scene we see is Marie fighting Eliza again, telling her that it's not over.
Overall Eliza's storyline is beyond developed. Probably the most developed that I have seen from all of the character. There are tons of dialogue but even more, tons of images which is great. It really feels like good character DLC that fulfills what you were expecting from a fighting game.
Eliza's Gameplay and Syle
As with all the other characters in Skullgirls, Eliza's theme is the main basis of gameplay that being Egypt and blood. Her entrance is quite fun as she is being chauffered around in an Egyptian litter by Horace and Albus.
While she doesn't talk much in her entrance (depending on who she is fighting), Horace and Albus do talk and interact with each other. Also within combat the two also act as special moves. Albus primarily acts as a grab, Horace is a drop down divekick, and the final one is them rushing with a daybed (it changes between the two).
Eliza's main play deals with blood, to the point where she turned the blood into a boat and lounges while she attacks. Also at times you can see Sekhmet when using blood attacks. But you can also enable Sekhmet which depletes the special bar, but also her blockbuster special called "The Lady of Slaughter" which lets Sekhmet let loose and just destroy you if it hits and you get to hear her voice say "she who mauls" which makes you know that Sekhmet is very different from Eliza.
Personal Opinion on Eliza-Overall Preference
(I do play this game on my computer with Steam, just to let you know.)
Hands down, I will (and have been) practicing with Eliza. I really enjoy her play style very much because of how ridiculous her human form plays and how much of a parallel that Sekhmet is to her, in both speed and ferocity.
With the type of player I am I like speed and quick hits, so the fact that you can enable Sekhmet and plays fast makes me like this character even more. I enjoyed playing through Eliza's story, but added onto how she plays I enjoy playing her anytime I can. Currently I enjoy playing her alone, but I also put her in a group with Fillia when using two characters (which is ironic with the story) since I like how both girls play.
If you haven't downloaded the Eliza DLC yet, Eliza is still free right now since she released in September 30th. As with all Skullgirls DLC you have three months to get the character for free before it becomes a purchase of $4.99. Even if I had to purchase her I wouldn't mind paying the money since I love the fighting engine and even more I love the story and characters even more.