Well it's time for another Kickstarter that I'm funding and where I talk about it, and it's about something close to my heart; visual novels.
Sekai Project is bringing us another kickstarter for another visual novel and this time it is WAS-The Hourglass of Lepidoptera. If you are interested in seeing if you want to donate to this visual novel there is a demo in their first update right here.
I have downloaded the demo and have played a bit of it:
A word of warning when you download this game, turn down the volume as if you wear earphones as I do. I got a huge blast of sound that has hurt my ears. Now for the demo itself, it's a bit of the common fare of waking up and not knowing what your surroundings are and have to be explained everything and a huge twist of events.
I only played up to the point of when you get out of the chapel, and for a good reason too. I was already started to get interested in the game. As I am a backer for the project I just knew if I was going to keep it up, I would wanna play the whole thing now. But I have to keep that restraint as I do want to be excited for the real deal when it comes out.
As for the Kickstarter itself, it was only asking for $10,000 and we're already past that. As I type this the exact amount is $13,389 so far. Though while we are already past the mark, voices will be unlocked as stretch goals, since they have to pay for the rights of the voices.
$30,000 will get us events and rewatching scenes voiced while $46,000 will get all voices unlocked and additional characters to be voiced except for of course the protagonist.
If you are interested in the game here is the main Kickstarter page. Sekai Project has done already a few sucessful projects via Kickstarter and has games (including World End Economica) on Steam as well. The minimum donation is $15 for a copy on Steam while deluxe for everything is at $150. If you want a physical copy of the game, you need to donate at least $75.
I'd suggest reading the information and downloading the demo if this seems up your alley. I know I am donating to make sure good VNs come out that retain various audiences. And it seems Sekai Project has a more general reach than the other few translators of Japanese VNs.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Skullgirls: Eliza DLC Overview
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Eliza is a singer in New Meridian |
This is an overview of Skullgirls Eliza DLC that came out recently. Just going to say it, there will be spoilers in this overview of the character, so be warned; and spoilers will also be image wise as well, but not only that, this will be very image heavy.
This will be divided into three parts:
-Eliza the character
-Eliza in her storyline in Skullgirls
-Eliza's play style and my opinions personally about her play style
Eliza the Character
As character designs go, Eliza is Egyptian themed, who has a striking semblance to Elizabeth Taylor in the classic movie Cleopatra. She is a lovely woman whose image not only shows sensuality but flare and striking beauty.
Eliza is a singer at the Canopy Kingdom. While there are other singers
at the club, it's Eliza who is much more known than anyone else. Eliza does a lot of donations for the people, most commonly blood drives. She's a really nice chick, right? But I digress, she is a rather selfish and self important person, and gets chauffeured around and waiting on hand and foot by her two servants (I'm not really sure about what to call them); Albus and Horace.
Albus and Horace still keep in theme with Eliza and the Egypt theme. And I really do find them funny, in an extremely comical way... In how buff these two guys are and then their silly heads. I mean just look at Albus, it looks as if he's wearing a fake wig and then Horace, look at his little cheep-cheep beak with that body.
I will say though, these two guys serve as a great add to Eliza's character not only in the story but also in the way that she plays. Even though I think they may look a bit silly, don't get me wrong. I really love these two, especially Horace... Because I like birds. (cheep-cheep).
Eliza's Story
Going back to the whole thing about Eliza and her charity funding, specifically the blood drives. Well the Medici family head Lorenzo wants Eliza to go find the Skullheart. Eliza of course doesn't want to do it for them, but the ace up their sleeve is that they'll expose her secret; the fact that she has been stealing from her own charity drives. Yes, stealing blood.
Of course in the interest of the Medici's Vitale, Lorenzo's son, decides to send out Cerebella with Eliza and her gang. The three do not get along all that well, Cerebella does not trust any of the three and is extremely vocal about it, much to both Horace and Albus' anger. The first group they do notice though is the recently revived Squigly and Leviathan. Eliza is more interested in Leviathan since she has known him in the past.
Eliza exposes her true self as a Theon (the proper name for the parasites in Skullgirls) and asks if he would join up with her. The offer was quickly denied and it seemed as if there was bad blood between the two of them.
Eventually Eliza gets sidetracked because she smells something delicious (blood delicious) and it ends up being Ms. Fortune and the life gem inside her. Defeating the cat, she literally has Albus load her into the trunk of the car. No joke, even then Ms. Fortune is still cracking jokes about her situation.
Though we all knew that Eliza wouldn't keep her word about finding the Skullheart for the Medici's and instead goes back to her place to just do her thing. In fact the entire drive to her place she was warning Cerebella that her trust in the Medici family will be her downfall, as no one is supposed to know about the life gem and that she may be killed. But Cerebella is an optimist when it comes to the Medici's and especially Vitale.
I do feel bad though, since this blind trust that Cerebella has ends up being her downfall. She does try to confront Eliza, even challenging her to a fight, which of course ended up not going in her favor. In fact, the whole death scene of Cerebella did make me feel a bit sad, not exactly because she died, but more the fact that it was entirely avoidable.
We do see that Eliza does keep around people, Horace and Albus are still alive. And I don't think she would have killed Cerebella if she had left the Medici family and joined her faction instead.
Eventually the blood gang does end up getting to the cathedral and we meet up with Samson and Fillia, and it does get very heated with the two. And I don't know if it's love or hate with Eliza and Samson (and I mean this from Eliza's point of view). It seems a long time ago that she had killed Samson's human host, her name was Delilah. Which made Samson very mad, but not only that. It seems that Eliza (or rather the Theon Sekhmet) is responsible for the hatred of parasites and their current dislike from humans.
Fighting Marie was rather bland with all the story that had came up before but, it was everything after that was amazing. As when she was about to claim the Skullheart for her own something happened.
Yeah, I really wasn't expecting Double to do that, nor was I expecting the story to include Double in such a way (just because I don't like playing characters like her, so I really didn't pay attention to her story). And we know got that basis on why Samson said that she screwed things over big time.Eventually Eliza gets lots of power from the site that her and Double fight in, destroys the Skullheart and then heads back to her place for some well do rest and relaxation.Which eventually turns into Samson and Leviathan attacking her in her own place to end Eliza now and bring the world to peace.
I will admit though, I wasn't expecting the story to follow up on this and indulge on it more. And we all know how this fight is going to end, since this is Eliza's storyline. But as I love Squigly and Fillia the end made me sad, their fates are quite a bit depressing.
The story ends with Eliza turning into what looks like a giant Egyptian blood god and starts terrorizing the town; of course starting off with the Medici's because why not torment the people who tried to blackmail you into doing their dirty work. The last scene we see is Marie fighting Eliza again, telling her that it's not over.
Overall Eliza's storyline is beyond developed. Probably the most developed that I have seen from all of the character. There are tons of dialogue but even more, tons of images which is great. It really feels like good character DLC that fulfills what you were expecting from a fighting game.
Eliza's Gameplay and Syle
As with all the other characters in Skullgirls, Eliza's theme is the main basis of gameplay that being Egypt and blood. Her entrance is quite fun as she is being chauffered around in an Egyptian litter by Horace and Albus.
While she doesn't talk much in her entrance (depending on who she is fighting), Horace and Albus do talk and interact with each other. Also within combat the two also act as special moves. Albus primarily acts as a grab, Horace is a drop down divekick, and the final one is them rushing with a daybed (it changes between the two).
Eliza's main play deals with blood, to the point where she turned the blood into a boat and lounges while she attacks. Also at times you can see Sekhmet when using blood attacks. But you can also enable Sekhmet which depletes the special bar, but also her blockbuster special called "The Lady of Slaughter" which lets Sekhmet let loose and just destroy you if it hits and you get to hear her voice say "she who mauls" which makes you know that Sekhmet is very different from Eliza.
Personal Opinion on Eliza-Overall Preference
(I do play this game on my computer with Steam, just to let you know.)
Hands down, I will (and have been) practicing with Eliza. I really enjoy her play style very much because of how ridiculous her human form plays and how much of a parallel that Sekhmet is to her, in both speed and ferocity.
With the type of player I am I like speed and quick hits, so the fact that you can enable Sekhmet and plays fast makes me like this character even more. I enjoyed playing through Eliza's story, but added onto how she plays I enjoy playing her anytime I can. Currently I enjoy playing her alone, but I also put her in a group with Fillia when using two characters (which is ironic with the story) since I like how both girls play.
If you haven't downloaded the Eliza DLC yet, Eliza is still free right now since she released in September 30th. As with all Skullgirls DLC you have three months to get the character for free before it becomes a purchase of $4.99. Even if I had to purchase her I wouldn't mind paying the money since I love the fighting engine and even more I love the story and characters even more.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax-Three Support Characters Added
Well it's not exactly new characters to play with, but we are getting three new support characters for the game. Though there's already twenty for the game and only twelve playable characters so far... It seems a little bit weird but I won't complain as I do like the characters that are coming.

I am glad that Toaru and DRRR are getting more supports as they are two very beloved franchises, especially the Toaru series since Railgun and Index are currently still going and DRRR just finished this year and will be having another series set a few years in the future.
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Accelerator from Toaru Majutsu no Index |
Gotta say I super love Accelerator, and I am more surprised that Sega and Dengeki Bunko chose this version of Accelerator but then I remember... Black angel wings and how badass Accelerator got even more so now that he's kind of mellowed out and has stopped being a jerk.
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Dokuro-chan from Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan |
Dokuro-chan does look cute, and the fact that she's a bludgeoning angel just makes her perfect for a fighting game. If you've never heard of Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan go ahead and read the wiki on it, the premise for the the light novel and series is quite ridiculous, but I don't want to talk about it. I just want you to go read it and shake your head about its absurdity.
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Orihara Izaya from Durarara |
And then the person everyone seems to want, Orihara Izaya. And Sega/Dengeki Bunko know that they are popular, especially together as they showed in the new added part in the trailer a little section of them talking and Izaya asking if "Shizu-chan would like some help" to the answer of getting kicked and quickly moving out of the way.
I hope though, that we'll actually get an announcement for some playable characters, but I do enjoy the new assists as I love Accelerator and will actually probably use him along with Boogiepop as my assists.
Game launches in November for both the PS Vita and the PS3. No announcement or plans for a US/international version, but there is a lot of extra content including parts of the novel. But there is a story mode that could be translated.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler-Ciel Phantomhive Scale Figure Impressions
Kotobukiya came out with another preorder for their ARTFX-J line and I was a bit surprised by it to be honest. A Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler figure wasn't something I would have thought would be done. But I guess the success of the Book of Circus arc and going back to the manga series for a reboot shows that it's a good idea for marketing and fans. But I am surprised that Kotobukiya would release Ciel first before any other character, since it seems Sebastian has already been prototyped out. But I'm not going to complain as I do love Ciel as a character.
Up close Ciel's face looks so lovely and the detail in the eye is so amazing. I like how they made the clothing rather simple in color but yet those slight details in the clothing and accessories make the figure just pop even more. But more than anything else the base is something else, just amazing.
Chess tends to be a reoccurring theme in the manga series as it constantly alludes to many other things (though they don't play chess all that much). But the base for Ciel is simply gorgeous. The finer details just make the base simply breathtaking.
The Ciel figure itself is 1/8 scale and is 11,000yen roughly (depending on where you order it) and is being released in March 2015 if the manufacturing isn't pushed back.
Expect to see a full review of the figure once I get it in my hands. Because I am super excited for it already.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Professor Layton VS Ace Attorney:Review and my feelings about this crossover
Well it took the US and its territories long enough, but we got it. We finally got Professor Layton VS Ace Attorney.These are two very different franchises, but yet come together for one
game, and I will say the game on its own is pretty good for what it is.
There have been many complaints that the game is so easy but you have to
realize that the game was meant to breathe new life into both series.
So if you've played only one series or the other, it's meant to make you
see the other side and make you want to play the other... And for me,
it certainly did that.
I've been playing Phoenix Wright games since the first one came out, it was the one game I wanted for my 3DS and I was happy to play it. The story was so fun. And the Japanese best version of the game; Gyakuten Saiban, well it came with not only the Japanese version but the English as well. So when a new game came out with my favorite defense attorney, I went to get it as soon as I could.
I am trying to keep this review spoiler free so I'm sorry if there are
things in here that you didn't want to read, since I tried to keep it to
the content and want you to experience the game itself.
So as it comes to reviews, I will be reviewing it based on these criteria in order:
-Story and setting
Story and Setting
The story itself starts off in London, England featuring Professor Layton and his assistant, Luke recieving a request from a previous student of the Professor. While at the same time Phoenix and Maya are going to a conference in England. In a weird twist of fate both groups of people then get thrown into Labyrinthia, the city of walls.
In Labyrinthia everything is decided and foretold by the Storyteller, and what he writes is an absolute to the point where if he goes out into the street people create parades for him, and revere him; for his power is absolute.
But where you play a part in it; well it depends on who you are currently playing as. If you're playing as Layton and Luke, your main point is to figure out the secrets of Labyrinthia and what lies beyond the veil that control the regular people whose days go by in relative peace.
As for Wright, he does what he does best, and that is pull miracles in the courtroom. Since the trails that happen in Labyrinthia are witch trials, Wright has to learn the new ins and outs of the courtroom including a new mob mechanic.
The story that happens within Labyrinthia itself is brimmed with an intriguing storyline, but the problem with it is its pacing, especially towards the end of the game itself.
Layton, Luke, Phoenix and Maya are all developed quite nicely and interact great. Personally I love how Luke and Maya interact together the most, mainly because both characters have somewhat child-like whimsy around both of them. Though all four main characters act like how you think they would be. But it isn't just about them but the characters that surround them.
The citizens of Labyrinthia all have unique personalities and likes. Labrythinthia's citizens are all about puzzles though, so a lot of your interactions will contain puzzles with them. But when you're in court, this is when character development shines the most. Most characters seem one dimensional, but during the witch trials, these seemingly one dimension characters aren't so one dimensional anymore.
Though I felt the greatest love for your opponent, who for the most part in the trials is Inquisitor Barnham.
Inquisitor Barnham's a knight, but at the same time, he is beloved by the citizens for his personality though he may seem like a bad guy at first glance, you realize through court cases that, well that isn't the case with him. As he only desires one thing; truth. At first Phoenix was able to trip him up, as a knight he is quick on his feet and can adapt fast in court. He is a good counter to Phoenix in the courtroom and can keep him on his toes, which made court battles between the two very fun to watch and read. Really good character dynamics between the two.
But though the regular citizens and Barnham are great; a lot of the other main characters are rather insufferable, Espella in particular just really irritates me. Her personality is just so infuriating at times, she tries to keep self sacrificing herself but it seems so half-assed that I can't believe it to be true sometimes. I simply cannot empathize with her and that's a huge problem seeing as she is one of the main characters that interacts constantly with Wright and Layton. It's just lazy writing and development, which held the game back since this game is extremely story driven.
I've got to admit the voices for this game are top notch, even though there's no Japanese track the English voices were such a delight to listen to. All the British characters all had accents and Maya and Phoenix sounded great. Though it was weird hearing Phoenix's inner thoughts in the same exact pitch that he was speaking normally. That just didn't translate well when voiced parts happened. If there was some sort of indicator that he's talking to himself in his head it would have made everything better.
The music though, I simply loved it. Music greatly added to the charm of the game and was appropriate for what ever happened. The music that plays during most puzzles was extremely soft yet the constant beat was just enough that I didn't mind whenever I failed a puzzle or had to take some time to think about what I was doing. Though the song I enjoyed most was Layton's theme. It's just soothing for the ears, a great arrangement that suits the Professor.
Gameplay is divided into two main parts based on whichever character you're playing. Layton's puzzles are rather straightforward along with the investigation. It just is a whole bunch of different types of puzzles based on either the place or the current person you are interacting with.
The puzzles themselves I've heard from other people are quite easy for a Layton game, but as my first time playing this sort of thing, a lot of puzzles kind of kicked my butt. Though later on I realized that using the memo function and trying to figure it out. Then everything became a little bit easier, but sometimes I thought puzzles worked one way, when the exact opposite was true. But the puzzles were fun for a person who had never played anything Layton before.
As for Phoenix's side it at first seems like a standard court case in Labyrinthia, but you have to remember that these are witch trials. The witch trials have introduced a new mechanic called the mob trial. Now to explain the mob trial I need to show a picture of it first.
The mob trial has you interviewing and questioning all these characters, all at once. Bits and pieces come from each character in the cross examination. The main gripe of this type of trial is the way that the game mechanic works.
So when you're cross examining a person and you press for more information and you'll hear a sort of ping sound and then if you go over there are ellipses that are over the characters head who you can question for even more information on. It makes the game more straightforward, which for most peoples main gripe is that it makes the game easier. But most people don't understand that Ace Attorney is a type of visual novel (adventure game in Japan) so I can see how if need be it can have mechanics to make things more straightforward, especially to make it more accessible to a bigger group of people. But I will admit the main gripe does still stand, it doesn't require as much thought as the original Ace Attorney series, which is a bit sad, because court cases in the Ace Attorney series is so fun, and is usually a huge climax in each case; a nonstop fun climax.
Overall the game plays great. The story is really engaging and the characters overall are fun and delightful... But the pacing is rather the worst part of this game and just breaks things up into chunks instead of seamless play.
As you progress through the story, you'll notice that at times it's as if the characters are playing tag with one another. As soon as you get to a really good part; bam, switches you to another point of view and what they're doing, practically just killing the hype that the game has just built up for you. This is especially true when you're playing as Layton and it switches to Phoenix. And the only reason why it feels like that is the most crucial development when it comes to the whole overarching story has you playing as Layton. But then even in game, you're kept from information for the sake of breaking up the current story to have it go somewhere else. Which is dumb.
Would I recommend this game to people? Of course I would! The reason being both the Professor Layton and Ace Attorney series are introduced in such a way that makes it so interesting for anyone to get interested in. And not only that, puzzle games and visual novels/adventure games aren't what I would call the mainstream and these series show how fun and intuitive these genres are.
While there are pacing issues with the story it doesn't detract so much overall when you play the game. Honestly with the way that the game has it, you feel like you're doing a lot of stuff within the game. You feel like you're making great progress. If you like either of the series, I suggest that you pick it up but even if you don't look up some images or the preview if it looks interesting, you may find yourself liking a new genre. I know I did. I am obsessed with Layton right now and want all the games.
I've been playing Phoenix Wright games since the first one came out, it was the one game I wanted for my 3DS and I was happy to play it. The story was so fun. And the Japanese best version of the game; Gyakuten Saiban, well it came with not only the Japanese version but the English as well. So when a new game came out with my favorite defense attorney, I went to get it as soon as I could.
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U.S. Cover of the game featuring the main four heroes |
So as it comes to reviews, I will be reviewing it based on these criteria in order:
-Story and setting
Story and Setting
The story itself starts off in London, England featuring Professor Layton and his assistant, Luke recieving a request from a previous student of the Professor. While at the same time Phoenix and Maya are going to a conference in England. In a weird twist of fate both groups of people then get thrown into Labyrinthia, the city of walls.
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Concept Art for the game |
But where you play a part in it; well it depends on who you are currently playing as. If you're playing as Layton and Luke, your main point is to figure out the secrets of Labyrinthia and what lies beyond the veil that control the regular people whose days go by in relative peace.
As for Wright, he does what he does best, and that is pull miracles in the courtroom. Since the trails that happen in Labyrinthia are witch trials, Wright has to learn the new ins and outs of the courtroom including a new mob mechanic.
The story that happens within Labyrinthia itself is brimmed with an intriguing storyline, but the problem with it is its pacing, especially towards the end of the game itself.
Layton, Luke, Phoenix and Maya are all developed quite nicely and interact great. Personally I love how Luke and Maya interact together the most, mainly because both characters have somewhat child-like whimsy around both of them. Though all four main characters act like how you think they would be. But it isn't just about them but the characters that surround them.
The citizens of Labyrinthia all have unique personalities and likes. Labrythinthia's citizens are all about puzzles though, so a lot of your interactions will contain puzzles with them. But when you're in court, this is when character development shines the most. Most characters seem one dimensional, but during the witch trials, these seemingly one dimension characters aren't so one dimensional anymore.
Though I felt the greatest love for your opponent, who for the most part in the trials is Inquisitor Barnham.
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Inquisitor Barnham's first appearance in court |
But though the regular citizens and Barnham are great; a lot of the other main characters are rather insufferable, Espella in particular just really irritates me. Her personality is just so infuriating at times, she tries to keep self sacrificing herself but it seems so half-assed that I can't believe it to be true sometimes. I simply cannot empathize with her and that's a huge problem seeing as she is one of the main characters that interacts constantly with Wright and Layton. It's just lazy writing and development, which held the game back since this game is extremely story driven.
I've got to admit the voices for this game are top notch, even though there's no Japanese track the English voices were such a delight to listen to. All the British characters all had accents and Maya and Phoenix sounded great. Though it was weird hearing Phoenix's inner thoughts in the same exact pitch that he was speaking normally. That just didn't translate well when voiced parts happened. If there was some sort of indicator that he's talking to himself in his head it would have made everything better.
The music though, I simply loved it. Music greatly added to the charm of the game and was appropriate for what ever happened. The music that plays during most puzzles was extremely soft yet the constant beat was just enough that I didn't mind whenever I failed a puzzle or had to take some time to think about what I was doing. Though the song I enjoyed most was Layton's theme. It's just soothing for the ears, a great arrangement that suits the Professor.
Gameplay is divided into two main parts based on whichever character you're playing. Layton's puzzles are rather straightforward along with the investigation. It just is a whole bunch of different types of puzzles based on either the place or the current person you are interacting with.
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Layton explains to Phoenix and Maya about puzzles |
As for Phoenix's side it at first seems like a standard court case in Labyrinthia, but you have to remember that these are witch trials. The witch trials have introduced a new mechanic called the mob trial. Now to explain the mob trial I need to show a picture of it first.
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Mob Trial-exclusive to this game |
So when you're cross examining a person and you press for more information and you'll hear a sort of ping sound and then if you go over there are ellipses that are over the characters head who you can question for even more information on. It makes the game more straightforward, which for most peoples main gripe is that it makes the game easier. But most people don't understand that Ace Attorney is a type of visual novel (adventure game in Japan) so I can see how if need be it can have mechanics to make things more straightforward, especially to make it more accessible to a bigger group of people. But I will admit the main gripe does still stand, it doesn't require as much thought as the original Ace Attorney series, which is a bit sad, because court cases in the Ace Attorney series is so fun, and is usually a huge climax in each case; a nonstop fun climax.
Overall the game plays great. The story is really engaging and the characters overall are fun and delightful... But the pacing is rather the worst part of this game and just breaks things up into chunks instead of seamless play.
As you progress through the story, you'll notice that at times it's as if the characters are playing tag with one another. As soon as you get to a really good part; bam, switches you to another point of view and what they're doing, practically just killing the hype that the game has just built up for you. This is especially true when you're playing as Layton and it switches to Phoenix. And the only reason why it feels like that is the most crucial development when it comes to the whole overarching story has you playing as Layton. But then even in game, you're kept from information for the sake of breaking up the current story to have it go somewhere else. Which is dumb.
Would I recommend this game to people? Of course I would! The reason being both the Professor Layton and Ace Attorney series are introduced in such a way that makes it so interesting for anyone to get interested in. And not only that, puzzle games and visual novels/adventure games aren't what I would call the mainstream and these series show how fun and intuitive these genres are.
While there are pacing issues with the story it doesn't detract so much overall when you play the game. Honestly with the way that the game has it, you feel like you're doing a lot of stuff within the game. You feel like you're making great progress. If you like either of the series, I suggest that you pick it up but even if you don't look up some images or the preview if it looks interesting, you may find yourself liking a new genre. I know I did. I am obsessed with Layton right now and want all the games.
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