Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Kill la Kill English Dub Trailer

Well folks since the first episode of Kill la Kill dubbed is being shown at Anime Expo 2014, the English trailer is out today and here it is for you to watch.
It may just be me, but I don't like it for a lot of reasons. Though they may be shallow for some. The four who I don't like in the dub are Gamagoori, Senketsu, Satsuki, and Ryuko.

Now for Gamagoori and Senketsu it is more of a fact that they're a tough act to follow. I mean we're talking about the same guys who do vocals in Tokusatsu shows. Especially Tetsu Inada (Gamagoori's voice actor). But with that said they mainly do voices for the suit actors and are never really on screen. So I feel as I'm used to these overtly raspy vastly expressive male voices which the English dub kinda fell flat on.
Toshihiko Seki voiced Momotaros in "Kamen Rider Den-O" Plays the voice of Senketsu
As for the girls; Satsuki and Ryuko, I feel the problem is they're not as deep as I thought. What was interesting about Kill la Kill for me was the tone of voice these girls spoke in. They spoke more like men than women in the show, and their tone of voice and rather deep voices expressed quite well they were more masculine representations of women then feminine.

I feel as if the acting for the dub with these four just lay flat because of it. But a dub will do what it does; more exposure and more money for Studio Trigger.

Even though I have the entire Japanese version preorded on Blu-ray I'll still buy the English version to show my support for Studio Trigger and Kill la Kill.

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