Saturday, July 12, 2014

Summer 2014 Watching List So Far

So with the new summer Anime season being released I have started watching some so far. This is in no particular order and there are some that I still have to watch that I will get to.
-Bakumatsu Rock
-Sword Art Online:Season 2
-Free! Eternal Summer
-Sailor Moon Crystal

Reason being that since these (except for Bakumatsu Rock) seem to have a huge following I made them things that I would watch first whenever they were to get updated. Even though they may not be in my taste. I will probably do reviews of the episodes in batched of three since the three episode rule is actually a really good way to judge if you like something or not.

Now onto the anime that I am going to watch from the summer season that hasn't started yet or that I haven't gotten around to starting yet.
-Akame ga Kill
-Rail Wars
-Sengoku Basara Judge End
-Kurashitsuji Circus Hen
-Magimoji Rurumo

I have already dropped one series after watching the first episode and that was DRAMAtical Murder. Because it was just horrible I couldn't stand it.

So far the show I'm enjoying the most is actually Bakumatsu Rock because it's so ridiculous. In fact there was a webm that someone posted that made me just laugh and want to watch the show.

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